Friday, 26 July 2013

warning signs of a troubled marriage

Although we all love to be happily married, couples often find themselves caught off guard when a marriage breaks. The reasons may range from silly to serious. It happens in the most unexpected way. Only when you face the situation do you actually begin to think back and realise if you missed the warning signs.
Here are a few situations that suggest trouble in your marriage
1. Digging up the past, name calling, verbally abusing and belittling in-laws have almost become common for you two.
2. Both look for silly excuses to fight. You try avoiding each other and don’t look forward to coming back home anymore. Even a trivial complaint turns into a bitter fight. You feel there’s no workable solution in sight.
3. Nothing is a joint decision anymore. There’s no logic behind your explanation. It’s simply a matter of ego to prove what you feel is right.
4. Jealousy creeps in. There’s no healthy competition anymore. It’s not at all fun to ask for guidance as you are belittled for your complete lack of knowledge or ignorance. You can’t take your spouse into confidence.
5. Your spouse can’t think beyond himself/herself. You feel like an outsider being neglected and unwanted. You don’t feel part of the family at all. It is no more our family but ‘my family’. This means danger!
6. One of you cheats. Extra-marital affair is a strict no-no and ruins family life. It’s an unpardonable mistake and means the end of a marriage.
7. Neither of you are inclined towards sex. It kind of becomes mechanical with absolutely no passion. Sex is something that keeps the marriage going.
8. You don’t seem to sort out issues then and there. Either of you is an escapist and avoids confrontation. You have bottled it all up and can’t wait for it to burst so you can put an end to your relationship.
9. No communication of any sorts. Forget the mushy notes and flower bouquet, your partner doesn’t bother asking ‘how are you’ in a mail or text message. When there’s total silence between the two of you and you run out of topics to talk, then your relationship has reached a dead end.

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